terms and conditions
all website materials, including but not limited to text, images, blog posts, and downloadable content, are the property of thevenicewitch.com.
businesses and commercial usage:
it is not okay to quote, link, or utilize the property of this site without consent. please email thevenicewitch@gmail.com for approval of use. upon approval, appropriate credits must be given.
unapproved use or profit from the property of this website is punishable by law.
personal usage:
sharing of the website materials with friends and family for no personal profit is permitted as long as proper credits are given.
sharing of website materials on social media is permitted with credit to the “thevenicewitch.com” and/or “@thevenicewitch” instagram account.
use of this website’s property for personal profit and/or without proper credit is punishable by law.
if you have any questions about sharing or utilizing the content of this site, please reach out to thevenicewitch@gmail.com
thank you for respecting the time, energy, and love I put into this site by following these guidelines.